Role with The Lion’s Pantry: Manager (2018-2022), Director (2019-2022)

Academic Area of Study: Mathematics BS., Systems Analysis Option with an Anthropology minor

Post-Graduation Plans: Teaching/Education, Middle School Mathematics, New Haven, CT

What was your favorite part of working with The Lion’s Pantry? 

My favorite part of working with The Lion’s Pantry (and I say this all too often) was the team of dedicated, diligent, and innovative students that I worked with day-to-day and week-to-week. The work I did was in no small part enabled by the shared commitment and belief of my fellow students. I have no doubt that the students succeeding me will continue and surpass the work that I’ve done. As such, my most important responsibility in my senior year was to create an appropriate foundation to enable future student leaders.

How did The Lion’s Pantry shape your Penn State experience? 

My time at The Lion’s Pantry was perhaps the most significant part of my undergraduate career. It was an education in presentation, collaboration, communication, and on. While there were certainly points of frustration, exhaustion, and annoyance, there was no point that I ever regretted the experience of being with The Lion’s Pantry. I will consider The Lion’s Pantry as the most impactful experience of my formative college years.

What’s something you learned from your work with the Pantry that you’ll take with you into your future?

I will, of course, strive to continue to combat systemic inequity and inequality after college whether that manifests in food security or not. The work I did was an exercise in creativity, collaboration, time management, prioritization, and innovation. My time at The Lion’s Pantry has prepared me as a citizen, a leader, and a prospective educator.

What advice would you give to incoming students interested in joining the pantry?

The Lion’s Pantry that I joined in 2018 is very different from the current state of the organization or even the Lion’s Pantry at its inception. We are a relatively young organization that has experienced exponential levels of growth in all regards. As such, there was a low “entry barrier” when I entered that I imagine no longer exists. I had the luxury of growing with and into the position of Director. But this is not to discourage incoming students from joining the pantry; passion and commitment are the best indicators of success that I have found for prospective student leaders, especially with The Lion’s Pantry. Your experience here will be marked with learning, support, and growth as an individual.