Role with The Lion’s Pantry: Student Manager 2019-2022, Vice President 2021-2022

Academic Area of Study: Biology major (Neuroscience Option) with a minor in Psychology and Neuroscience

Post-Graduation Plans: Taking a gap year while applying to medical school. Will hopefully be working as a Pharmacy Tech during this time.

How did The Lion’s Pantry shape your Penn State experience? 

My time with The Lion’s Pantry showed me how important it is for students to work to improve Penn State during our time here. Once I found the pantry, I was amazed by how much it was utilized being utilized. There is often a perception that if students can afford to go to college that they are not facing issues like food insecurity. In reality, the cost of education often leads to sacrifices in other areas which in many cases include food. During my time with The Lion’s Pantry, I have seen the usage of the pantry increase further as more and more students become aware of this amazing service. I am so proud of the work this team has been able to accomplish and am even more excited to see even more improvements in the future.

What’s something you learned from your work with the Pantry that you’ll take with you into your future? 

Working with The Lion’s Pantry has taught me just how much of an impact something like food insecurity can have on someone’s life and overall health. Although food insecurity is a big issue it often goes unnoticed at a surface level. I have enjoyed working to improve awareness, accessibility, and the quality of service that The Lion’s Pantry provides for students. This is something I intend to bring into my career as a future physician. Along with food insecurity, issues like socioeconomic disparities, accessibility to healthcare, and cost of care are all prevalent issues within the medical field. I plan on using everything that I have learned working with The Lion’s Pantry to better serve my community and future patients.

What advice would you give to incoming students interested in joining the pantry?

I would encourage any incoming student to get involved with The Lion’s Pantry. This is one of the most fulfilling opportunities available at Penn State, as you can see the impact you are having firsthand. There are many different levels of involvement ranging from collaborations with your other organizations to direct involvement as an ambassador, student manager, or member of the executive team. No matter the level of involvement, working with The Lion’s Pantry is a rewarding experience as you combat the issue of food insecurity in a meaningful way.