By: Julia Mertes, Communications Intern, The Lion’s Pantry
Rather than walking across campus or taking the bus, many Penn State students utilizes bikes for quick transportation.
In March 2021, the League of American Bicyclists honored Penn State with gold-level Bicycle Friendly University award, according to Penn State News. The recognition developed due to the university’s work of enabling accessible bicycling on campus.
All personal bikes on campus must be registered with Penn State. Registration occurs to aid police if one’s bike is lost/stolen, to provide data about biking resources to the university’s Transportation Service, and to follow local policy and ordinances.
Penn State provides approximately 300 Spin electric-assist bikes, which are available across campus and in the Borough of State College that offer the community convenient access to the bikes, according to Penn State Transportation Services. Users must be 18 years old to ride, follow local traffic laws, and pay the required rates.
Below are resources to aid bike transportation to major grocery stores and establishments.
Resource #1:
The above map highlights key grocery stores around State College, including locations like McLanahan’s, Trader Joe’s, and Weis Markets. Designated bike lanes, routes, and shared use paths are denoted above in corresponding colors.
Resource #2:
- Google Map with Major Store Locations | Users can click a location and view the corresponding directions. If users click the “walking” or “biking” icon/mode, the Google Maps screen will show them sidewalk and bike paths to the destination. They can do this with normal Google as well by clicking on the icon.
Resource #3:
The third map designates popular bike paths throughout State College that could aid students when making visits to local grocery stores and establishments.