Major: Nutritional Sciences

Lion’s Pantry Experience: Volunteer since 2020, Intern Fall 2022-Spring 2023

Other Penn State Involvement:Gamma Phi Beta Member, Student Nutrition Association, THON Hospitality Committee Member

Post-Graduation Plans: Going to graduate school to get my Masters in Science in Clinical Nutrition at Rutgers University

What has your experience at The Lion’s Pantry taught you? 

My experience at The Lions Pantry has opened up my eyes tremendously. It taught me that everyone has their own battles they are dealing with, regardless of how they may be perceived from the outside.
What would you want freshmen and new students to know about The Lion’s Pantry?
If I had the opportunity to tell freshman about The Lions Pantry, I would tell them it has been one of the most fulfilling parts of my entire college experience! I would tell them that they are not only making a difference in so many lives, but that they will get to make such genuine connections and friends that they will keep forever!