About Colin Taylor

Executive Board Position: Treasurer

Past Lion’s Pantry Experience: Manager (2022-23)

Majors: Accounting

Minors: Information Systems Management

Other 2023-2024 Involvement:

  • Club Tennis Member


A Q&A with Colin

1) What are you most excited about The Lion’s Pantry this year? 

  • I am excited to help grow the Pantry and spread awareness about it.


2) What initiatives, campaigns, or goals would you like to see during the 2023-24 academic year? 

  • I want to improve our data collection to inform us about popular food items and help improve the ordering process.


3) Why should new students join The Lion’s Pantry? 

  • The Lion’s Pantry is a great way to make a difference in the local community. Anyone who is a Penn State student can visit The Lion’s Pantry to grab some food. Volunteering is fun, and the work is pretty easy.


4) What does food insecurity mean to you? 

  • Food insecurity is common around the country, but it is especially high around colleges. Being able to help provide food to college students is important to me.


5) What excites you most about the position you hold for The Lion’s Pantry during the 2023-24 year?

  • I am excited to work with the team to help improve the pantry. The Lion’s Pantry is relatively new and has been rapidly growing.


6) Please share one of your favorite memories from The Lion’s Pantry. 

  • One of the things I like about The Lion’s Pantry is meeting new people. Whether I make a connection with a pantry guest or a team member, I am always meeting someone new.


Some Fun Facts About Colin

Favorite Comfort TV Show: Curb your Enthusiasm

Favorite Way to Unwind After a Long Day: I like to play poker with my friends.

“Go-To” Fun Fact: I like to play tennis.