About Julian Mueller
Executive Board Position: Facilities Director
Past Lion’s Pantry Experience: Student Intern (2022-23)
Majors: Computer Science
Other 2023-2024 Involvement:
Engineering House (E-House), Executive Board, Webmaster
A Q&A with Julian
1) What are you most excited about The Lion’s Pantry this year?
- I am most excited to collaborate with the entire team. We all have important ideas to share that will ultimately lead to more efficient systems and better organization, which will help provide more accurate reporting and planning data.
2) What initiatives, campaigns, or goals would you like to see during the 2023-24 academic year?
- Implement a better tracking system to collect the necessary data for maintaining the required inventory levels
- Consistent access to a wider variety of offerings, including produce, beverages, and toiletry items
- Maintain a supply of low-cost/no-cost recyclable bags for pantry clients that forget to bring
3) Why should new students join The Lion’s Pantry?
- You should join The Lion’s Pantry and get involved with a great group of caring people. It’s highly rewarding to give back and to know that the work you are doing is supporting the need right here in our own PSU community
4) What does food insecurity mean to you?
- Food insecurity means not having regular access to nutritious food. Hunger can lead to physical, emotional, and social issues that can have long-term effects. For college students, academics can also suffer. It’s important to support the entire PSU community and give everyone the same chance at academic success and well-being.
5) What excites you most about the position you hold for The Lion’s Pantry during the 2023-24 year?
- I would like to help close up any gaps in communication and coordination across all supporting members of the pantry. We are one team working toward the common goal of supporting our student community. The more efficient we are, the bigger the impact.
6) Please share one of your favorite memories from The Lion’s Pantry.
- On my first week as a pantry intern last Fall, I met some of The Lion’s Pantry donors as they were touring the facility. They were so nice to me. Their care and commitment to help are allowing the pantry to grow and provide for more students in need.
Some Fun Facts About Julian
Favorite Comfort Movie: Shrek
Favorite Way to Unwind After a Long Day: Sleep
“Go-To” Fun Fact: History Buff