Accessing The Pantry

Accessing The Pantry

 You can find The Pantry’s main location at the address below:

Address: 133 Bluebell Rd, University Park, PA 16802

How to Reach the Pantry


We are offering free parking tickets for the Katz / Arboretum Parking Lot:

Arboretum / Katz Parking Lot:

Address: Football Ada Katz Lot (Orange A)

For more information on free parking and how to obtain a pass, please contact Here is a link to a map from the Katz Building Parking Lot to the Lion’s Pantry.

Lyft Passes

The Pantry will provide rides to and/or from the pantry free of charge, please email for more information on this program.

Shuttle Buses

The Campus Shuttle has a couple of stops that are nearby the Pantry building. The closest stops to the Pantry are the Big Hollow (118) and Blue Band (122) stops. Be sure to use the Campus Shuttle via College Avenue, as the aforementioned stops (as well as other nearby stops) are part of the College Avenue route (in blue).

For more information on avaliable Campus Shuttles and routes to the Lion’s Pantry, please visit the following site for an interactive map of the Lion’s Pantry location. 


Walking is also another great method to reach the Pantry. Here is a route from the HUB to the Pantry.