Students and Faculty
Students and Faculty
Help Us Feed Your Fellow Lions

For Students
Thanks for stopping by! As Penn State students you can:
- Use the Lion’s Pantry Services – We offer free food & supplies, no questions asked to all students with a Penn State ID! Check out our open hours and stop by whenever you need.
- Become a Lion’s Pantry Ambassador – Join our passionate group of student volunteers who host events, hold open hours, and fight for a day without student food insecurity.
- Be an Advocate – We never know when we or those we know could benefit from services like The Lion’s Pantry. Spread the word and join the fight against student food insecurity.

For Faculty
Thank you for your support of The Lion’s Pantry! We ask that you help us spread the word about The Lion’s Pantry services so that all of your students are aware. By making this prevalent issue part of more conversations, we aim to reduce the stigma of food insecurity.
If you are interested in incorporating a project related The Lion’s Pantry into your course, please email