Ways to Give

Ways to Give

Give Food

The Lion’s Pantry accepts non-perishable, unopened and unexpired food and household item donations. 

Please check out our Amazon Wish List to have the most needed items shipped directly to The Pantry!

Please check if the items you are donating are expired. If so, we are more than happy to compost them for you. However, it would be helpful if the expired items were separated from the other items being donated and if you let us know this as you drop them off. Thank you in advance!

The Pantry provides reusable bags for students to use for carrying items. If possible, it is helpful if donations are dropped off in reusable bags that The Pantry can keep!

For additional information or questions please email us at thelionspantry@psu.edu.

If you or your organization is interested in hosting a food drive to benefit The Lion’s Pantry, please refer to our Sign Up Genius.

Current High Demand Items


Snack Foods, Gluten Free Items, Vegetable Oil, Pasta, Rice, Olive Oil, Coffee Products, Flour, Cereals, Granola Bars, Canned Meats, Packaged Non-Perishable Fruits

Body and Home Care:

Dish Soap, Dish Sponges, Laundry Detergent, Cleaning Supplies, Feminine Products, Deodorant, Shopping Bags

We don’t currently need the following:

  • Travel-Sized Toiletries
  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Canned Potatoes
  • Green Beans, Black Beans, Baked Beans, and Chickpeas (Thank you everyone for helping us stock up on these items!)

As always, any Gluten-Free items are appreciated—such as GF Pasta, GF Crackers, GF Snacks, and GF Cereal.

Give Funds

All of the funds for distribution expenses are raised through charitable donations from organizations and community members like you! Because our food is purchased entirely through the generosity of individuals and groups, your monetary support is essential to the success of our service.

Checks can be made payable to: The Pennsylvania State University

Mail to:

Student Affairs Development

2601 Gateway Drive, #175

State College, PA 16801

Online financial donations via Giving to Penn State and gift cards to area grocery stores are extremely appreciated.

Give Time

Many of our volunteer opportunities are reserved for only our Club members. To learn more about joining the Lion’s Pantry Club, please reach out to thelionspantry@psu.edu for further details. 

However, food drives are avaliable for everyone to participate in. To see available opportunities for volunteering in the Lion’s Pantry food drives, please visit our Sign Up Genius.